Health & Fitness

How Does High Blood Pressure Lead To Erectile Dysfunction?

Blood Pressure

Hypertension and erectile dysfunction have a strong connection with each other due to limited blood flow because of vascular damage, eventually maintaining an erection becomes a difficult task. Simply, persistent hypertension will impair your circulatory system and result in health issues, and one among them is erectile dysfunction. Keep reading to know the connection between high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction.

What is high blood pressure?

Hypertension can be caused due to several factors, including medical conditions such as kidney disease, and lifestyle choices like a diet with high sodium, smoking, etc. A few people will develop severe hypertension without any particular cause. Regardless of the cause of your high blood pressure, when overlooking it can impair your heart health and blood vessels, eventually resulting in conditions such as stroke and heart disease.

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is nothing but a condition where men can’t maintain an erection, get a complete erection, or cannot get an erection at all. You may think that an erection happens easily, but several systems should work together for you to maintain or get an erection, like your cardiovascular system, muscles, brain, nerves, hormones, and emotions.

Notably, your blood vessels play the most significant role in getting an erection, since blood flow is vital for penile function. Simply, anything that disturbs your blood flow and vascular health remains a main causes of erectile dysfunction and greatly contributes to it, the underlying causes include:

  • Weakening of vessels due to age
  • Smoking
  • Consuming alcohol
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Obesity
  • Cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Few medications
  • Sleep-related issues
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Peyronie’s disease

At times, treating these underlying health problems greatly helps in resolving your erectile dysfunction. Whenever experiencing persistent erectile problems, reach out to the best urology hospital in Coimbatore to get appropriate treatment.

How does high blood pressure lead to erectile dysfunction?

High blood pressure will result in erectile dysfunction, likewise, erectile dysfunction may be one of the early warning signs of high blood pressure. Simply, blood pressure will disturb how blood flows throughout the individual’s body. Healthy blood flow to the penis helps with erectile function, so issues in cardiovascular health will affect erections. So get high blood pressure treatment to avoid other health issues associated with it.

In the long run, high blood pressure will damage individual blood vessels. Typically, affected blood vessels will leak, narrow, or rupture. This restricts healthy blood flow throughout the body. This damage will disturb an individual’s ability to maintain an erection. Further, severe hypertension can create a state of oxidative stress and low-grade inflammation, which can result in erectile dysfunction.

What causes high blood pressure?

The actual cause of hypertension remains unknown, but several factors, lifestyle choices, and conditions surge the chances of developing hypertension. Further, the common causes include:

  • Binge consumption of alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Excess intake of salt
  • High cholesterol diet
  • Persistent kidney disease
  • Diabetes

Does treating your blood pressure help erectile dysfunction?

Hypertension can cause erectile dysfunction, but by maintaining a healthy blood pressure, one can prevent themselves from erectile dysfunction. Also, severe hypertension can impair blood vessels over time, and those damages can be irreversible. In case, your erectile dysfunction is caused by damaged blood vessels, there is no use in treating your hypertension because in such cases your erectile dysfunctions cannot be restored. In this case, an individual needs to undergo surgery to revise the damaged vessels.

How to diagnose erectile dysfunction?

Healthcare providers will diagnose erectile dysfunction by assessing your signs and experiences including erectile dysfunction frequency, stress factors, psychological state, and lifestyle. In erectile dysfunction testing, a blood pressure test is one of the parts. Healthcare providers will use diagnostic imaging to identify how much blood flows to the penis, and the causes of erectile dysfunction. In case, high blood pressure is detected, follow-up monitoring will assist in finding if the condition is chronic.

How to treat hypertension and erectile dysfunction?

With the help of lifestyle modifications and medications, an individual can manage high blood pressure effectively. Simply, individuals with hypertension should consider discussing their diet and exercise regimen with their healthcare provider and may know the causes of erectile dysfunction.

An individual can take medication for erectile dysfunction, after discussing their condition with a doctor because few medicines won’t help individuals with high blood pressure.

When should one reach out to a doctor?

Several people don’t know why they get high blood pressure, so whenever experiencing frequent erectile dysfunction, reach out to a doctor because it could be an underlying sign of high blood pressure.

Also, discuss your erectile dysfunction with your doctor in the initial stage. Additionally, a man with erectile dysfunction will face the issues like:

  • Sometimes those men will get erections, but not all the time they want to have sex.
  • Those men will get erections, but never last long enough to have sex.
  • Can’t get an erection at all.

Blood flow imaging and blood pressure tests will assist in determining if there is a link between high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction, so reach out to the hypertension specialist in Coimbatore to treat high blood pressure, which remains a major causes of erectile dysfunction.

Final takeaway:

In conclusion, we can say that one can manage hypertension but cannot cure it, even some of the damage caused by high blood pressure to the cardiovascular system is irreversible. In case hypertension is the actual cause of an individual erectile dysfunction, few treatments are available there to help them get typical erectile function. To achieve this, a person needs to get medications or surgeries. Simply, treating underlying causes like hypertension will assist in recovering some sexual function.

Ralph Ward
Ralph Ward is a writer. he wrote a blog because he writes to wrote and also shared the news with others.

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