
Everything Basic About Microneedling Explained


Aging is definitely inevitable, but you can fight the signs. There is a wide range of cosmetic treatments available with varying results, pros, and cons. Microneedling therapy, also called just microneedling, is one of the safer options for boosting collagen production. If you are in Texas, you can check for clinics like Houston Skin Shop MedSpa that offer microneedling at an affordable price. Below are some basic aspects of microneedling.

What Is Microneedling? How Does It Work?

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure used for enhancing complexion, skin texture, and overall appearance of the skin. True to the name, microneedling involves “needling” the skin using a special wand. This kind of intentional pricking triggers a healing response in the body, boosting the production of elastin and collagen. These micro-injuries help in creating a radiant complexion. There are different types of microneedling devices in the market. Options like AquaGold® Fine Touch are among the popular ones.

Who Should Consider Microneedling?

Everyone has unique skin, and you should seek advice from only a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon if this is the ideal procedure for your skin concerns. Typically, microneedling is recommended for treating damage caused by sun exposure, acne scars, and initial signs of aging. Microneedling works well for treating fine lines, wrinkles, and stretch marks too. The actual procedure is pain-free and has no downtime. One session of microneedling can take 30 minutes to an hour.

What Does the Process Feel Like?

While microneedling is minimally invasive, there is little or no pain. Your dermatologist will use a numbing cream before starting, and you may feel some prickling on the skin. Most adults are safe candidates for microneedling procedures, but make sure to share your medical history with the dermatologist. You can drive back home and can continue with your schedule.

What to Expect in Results?

Microneedling results should be visible within a week. As your skin heals further and cell regeneration continues, your skin will look even better. Patients usually need at least three to six treatments of microneedling for the best results, but you should see a considerable difference after the first session.

What Is Microneedling With PRP?

Platelet-rich-plasma therapy uses the patient’s blood to obtain platelet-rich plasma, which is then applied or injected into the targeted area. PRP is also used for treating hair loss and joint pain. Microneedling, when combined with PRP, can yield better results. The procedure starts with microneedling, followed by the application of PRP.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Microneedling?

Firstly, microneedling is a safe procedure and can be considered for most people. The results from microneedling are quick and expected to last, although one may need frequent treatments. Also, microneedling works for a wide range of skin concerns, including hyperpigmentation and acne scarring. Combined with PRP, the results can be even better. On the flip side, the procedure can cause some side effects like swelling and redness, although these effects should subside in a day or two.

Check online now to find the right clinic for microneedling.

Ralph Ward
Ralph Ward is a writer. he wrote a blog because he writes to wrote and also shared the news with others.

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