Health & Fitness

Essential Insights on Gastric Bypass Surgery

Bypass Surgery

Do you experience weight issues? Have you tried conventional weight-loss methods with no success? If so, it is about time you consider gastric bypass surgery. Lone Star Bariatrics are the leading providers for gastric bypass in Frisco. At the practice, Chad Carlton, MD, FACS. FASBMS leads a team of experts in offering the latest, minimally invasive weight solutions. Engage them today to find out how this treatment can help you achieve your ideal body goals.

What is Gastric Bypass?

Gastric bypass is a minimally invasive weight-loss surgery that alters how your small intestines and stomach handle food. During your treatment, Dr. Carlton drills a small pouch in your stomach to process that portion of your food that bypasses part of your small intestine.

In making these changes, you alter the amount of food you need to eat and significantly impact the hormones in your gut tasked with blood sugar control, hunger, and fullness. Gastric bypass can assist you shed 60-80% of your extra body weight.

Am I Eligible for Gastric Bypass?

Dr. Carlton and his staff usually suggest gastric bypass if you have:

  • Attempted shedding weight unsuccessfully with exercise and diet
  • A BMI of forty and higher
  • A body mass index ranging from 35-39.9 and weight-related health issues

However, gastric bypass is not an ideal treatment for everyone. During your consultation, Dr. Carlton and his team work closely with you to determine your eligibility. They decide after discussing your surgical options for weight loss and your general expectations. Additionally, they expose you to the risks that you may face by choosing the procedure.

What are My Expectations on Gastric Bypass Surgery?

For gastric bypass surgery, Dr. Carlton uses laparoscopic techniques in place of a large incision. These techniques apply small incisions, specialized tools, and camera assistance to conduct complex procedures. A gastric bypass usually lasts for approximately ninety minutes and often demands an overnight hospital stay.

Compared to other bariatric surgeries, gastric bypass guarantees long-term results since your weight-loss is not entirely dependent on eating small meals alone. Individuals with gastric bypass usually attain their maximum weight loss goals within two years of surgery.

After undergoing gastric bypass surgery, it is essential that you eat small meals comprising of healthy foods to prevent dumping syndrome. This condition develops in almost one-quarter of gastric bypass patients, often causing:

  • Sweating
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fullness
  • Nausea

In most cases, foods with high sugar and carbohydrate content such as ice cream, candy, pasta, and soda may trigger dumping.

Other Services

In addition to gastric bypass surgery, Lone Star Bariatrics further offers a full range of top-ranking services such as:

  • Bodytite
  • Duodenal Switch
  • Weight Loss
  • Botox and Fillers
  • Heartburn
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Gall Bladder
  • Magnetic Surgery
  • Diabetes

Bottom Line

If you consider gastric bypass surgery to meet your body goals, you have a better shot of success by contacting Lone Star Bariatrics. Contact the specialists to learn more about this innovative treatment. Call today or book an appointment online to have the most of gastric bypass surgery and other world-class treatments.

Ralph Ward
Ralph Ward is a writer. he wrote a blog because he writes to wrote and also shared the news with others.

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